NCVO Knowhow
If you are searching for toolkits to help you get started as a charity or just to help with one aspect of growing your organisation - NCVO Knowhow is a great place to start.
Climate Action
Developed recently by Green Shropshire Xchange - one of the VCSA's very own Forums of Interest - this guide is timely and perfect for helping your organisation get started with climate action: Net Zero Carbon and the Third Sector Guide
Digital Accessibility
These Digital Instruction Guides were developed in response to a need identified by the Age UK network on needing more detailed instructions for specific digital tasks. These guides are designed to be used by organisations, friends, family or carers who are supporting older people to get online.
Social Value Resources
Shropshire Council has collected and developed some wonderful tools that can help VCS organisations to measure and demonstrate social value.
Inclusive Recruitment Toolkit
Created by search firm Society. If you're looking to advertise a role, take a look at this toolkit to help you improve your recruitment approaches to ensure you are maximising your inclusive hiring techniques.
VCSE Strengthchecker
The National Lottery Community Fund are offering all VCSEs in the UK an opportunity to analyse their organisational strengths and position and to identify areas that could be developed to improve organisational strength through this diagnostic tool, the VCSE Strengthchecker. It is not linked to any National Lottery Community Fund funding programmes and it is completely free to use.